Digital Marketing Services in Cincinnati

Website Setup and Website Optimization
We offer website design projects for a small-to-medium-sized business utilizing a flexible framework on WordPress. This offers flexibility and fast deployment while being cost-effective. Our website optimization program, commonly known as search engine optimization (SEO), seeks to increase the targeted traffic to your website. We utilize a 3-tiered approach that: 1) structures your site so that search engines find you 2) creates the right calls to action to entice people to sign up and 3) focuses on analytics data to make sure you are watching the key metrics that matter to your business.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Pay-per-click (PPC) ads on Google AdWords can be an effective way to drive business, but you need the expertise to manage the spend effectively. If you are new to SEM, we can create and manage campaigns for you. If you are already running SEM campaigns, we can provide an audit to make your existing campaigns do more for your business. Pay-per-click audits include analyzing the account structure, conversion tracking, keyword bidding strategy, ad settings, ad copy, landing page copy, negative keywords, and current metrics. Account set-up includes:
- Campaign strategy meeting
- Keyword research
- Deploy with optimized account structure, conversion tracking, keyword bidding strategy, ad copy, landing page copy, and negative keywords
- Development of a retargeting campaign
On-Going optimization includes keyword bid management, split-testing, Quality Score optimization, monthly performance reports delivered via email, and monthly calls to discuss objectives.

Social Media Management
An email list is one of the most valuable assets for many businesses. A well-managed email marketing program allows you to convert new leads into clients and engage existing clients to spur additional sales. We can:
- Create an effective call-to-action (CTA) on your website
- Set up an email management system such as MailChimp, Constant Contact, or InfusionSoft
- Design a newsletter template
- Write a custom welcome email
- Provide training and support

Social Media Management
LinkedIn. Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. YouTube. WhatsApp. Snapchat. Pinterest. And the list goes on. Business owners are often overwhelmed by not only the number of social media platforms but nuances that go along with effectively engaging in each. We have the social media expertise to help you navigate these confusing waters. First, we’ll sit down to understand and set your business objectives. From there, we’ll determine which platforms make the most sense for your business and create a social media content plan designed around your goals.
We’ll also explain the various options for advertising. Unlike search engine marketing on Google, where you are targeting on search behavior, advertising on social media allows you to target prospects based on profiles that include attributes such as interests, activities, skills, and job titles. We can set up social media advertising campaigns to drive brand awareness, website traffic, and new leads.
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